Tuesday, October 16, 2012

"Mommy, come lay with me..."

Today, as I was putting Colin down for a nap he kept pleading with me to lay in his bed while he was falling asleep. Admittedly, nap-time is one of my favorite times of the day, I can get something done (like laundry or the dishes) or I can sit in silence by myself and space out. Today though, for some reason, I was moved to stay with Colin and actually lay with him while he fell asleep. During this time, it occurred to me how few chances I would get to just lay quietly and cuddle with my first born. All of the tasks on my to do list were looming and our house was a mess from a morning play date. BUT...I just took the time and laid there. I actually felt myself relax a little and every 5 minutes or so, Colin would look at me and say "Hi Mama." I was reminded of some quote I have seen a million times, but never taken to heart "The best moms have dirty dishes, sticky floors and happy children" I have no idea who said it, but I understood it today!

I don't want to forget that feeling and I know that he won't always want me that close to him. So, I am going to try to remember to be patient with my boys and take those precious moments and not worry about my to do list!

And now, some gratuitous cuteness....

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