Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who's the Boss?

Yesterday, when I was on my hands and knees picking up goldfish crackers while Colin was devilishly (is that a word?) laughing in his high chair I realized something....we like to think as parents that we are "in charge" there is just no way that is true.

Did you ever read the book "Seinlanguage"? There is a chapter where Seinfeld writes that if aliens are looking down at us, they will think dogs run the world since they lead us around by their leashes and pick up their poo. Well, I would like to propose a change...the aliens would think dogs and babies run the world. Like the dogs, we clean up their poo, but in addition, we make ourselves look silly by singing funny songs, making funny faces and picking up food that they throw on the ground while laughing at us.

That is all - I will try to write a more serious update soon!

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